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Diagnostic Imaging

Nicolette Hayward BVM&S DVR DipECVDI FRCVS 
RCVS & European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging 

Nic is a Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging and has been providing a mobile ultrasonography to practices in the South West of England since 2007. Nic has worked in academia and referral hospitals in the UK and abroad and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. She also has a long association with educational institutions including BSAVA, and was involved in creating and lecturing for the BSAVA PGCert in Diagnostic Imaging. Nic also visits low and middle income countries to provide practical imaging workshops on a regular basis. 

External referral cases for Specialist-level ultrasonography can be seen at EGVS routinely on Tuesdays and on other days if more urgent, potentially at very short notice. 

  • Advanced ultrasonography equipment, including GE Vivid iQ machine with 6 transducers.
  • While-you-wait appointments for clients. 
  • EGVS can take care of all the administration with clients and referring practices. 
  • Trained nursing staff and dedicated room free up nursing time and requirement for scanning space in your practice. 
  • Ultrasound reports routinely sent out directly within 24 hours, often within 3-4 hours. For urgent or complex cases, Nic will ring the referring vet at the time of scanning. 
  • Fine needle aspirates may be performed with same day results returned to your practice.  
  • Echocardiography option where Specialist Cardiology referral is not possible for financial or transport reasons, and the client has declined Specialist Cardiology referral.  
  • Option for referring vet to attend scan of their patient.
  • Separate referral entrance from primary care practice. Furthermore, clients are not permitted to change their pet's primary care to EGVS for a two year period. 

Examples of indications for abdominal ultrasonography 

  • Polydipsia/polyuria 
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Weight loss 
  • Ascites 
  • Portosystemic shunt 
  • Palpable abdominal mass 
  • Dysuria, haematuria 
  • Dyschezia, haematochezia 
  • Endocrinopathies 
  • Soft tissue swelling eg foreign body, soft tissue sarcoma 
  • Lameness e.g. biceps tendon or calcaneal tendinopathy 
  • Hepatic encephalopathy 
  • Gynacological – pregnancy, pyometra, ovarian pathology 
  • Cryptorchidism 
  • Ocular disease e.g. retinal detachment, intra-ocular masses